well, maybe not only in Ghana, but....close enough.
- Crazy Trotro Rides
- Fan Ice!! eating contest
- Drinking water out of plastic pouches
- Saying "What will you take" instead of "What do you want to eat"
- Akwaaba and speaking in Twi
- Extreme Friendliness: little children, old people, you name it
- Obroni!!!
- Sleeping without covers every night
- Water and power outages simultaneously
- Flipflops= slippers
- NO short shorts in public (or if your Ghanaian= "hot pants")
- Hand washing everything
- little geckos in your shower
- Every other shop named after God or Jesus EX. God is Great Fast Food; It is Jesus Hair Salon
- Peace and Love Orphanage and Acadamy
- Having to go to an internet cafe
- First homesickness ever
- Cold showers every day and occasionally bucket showers
- Second Chance TV Novella: Spanish soap opera, dubbed in English, played in ghana!! ahaha
- Hilariously dramatic Nigerian movies
- 1 DVD with 20 or more dance/cheer themed movies on it (or any other theme you can think of)
- No drinking water from the tap, obroni
- Malaria pills and mosquito repellent
- Having to bargain for almost EVERYTHING
- Never being on time, always late by at least an hour
- A whole new family
- Not being able to understand their accents
- Being called "fat" is a compliment
- Heavy food!!!
- Eating everything with sauce, meat at every meal. fufu, yam, potato, rice!!!
- Spicy!! Deep fried stuff, fish head, goat skin?? chicken gizzard........
- surprisingly not eating that much fruit at home......but delicious mangos, pineapple, you name it off the street
- Taxi and trotro people trying to get you into their car
- Never static hair, always sticky/damp/sweaty skin
- small dogs
- football!!! everywhere
- little beggar children from Niger at our trotro stop that we fed mangos and taught how to play thumb wars
- Colorful shops and clothes
- Getting stared at wherever you go
- Pouring down rain 1 minute and 5 minutes later not being able to tell it even rained
- Really bad roads
- trash everywhere, even the beach
- Mirinda soda and Maltas
- Feet that are never quite clean
- Trotro= Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland+ Knight Bus from Harry Potter
- Actually needing coin money more than big bills
- cheap clothes!! cheap lots of stuff
- Sadly not much cool wildlife (but only cuz i was in Accra, a huge city)
- No seat belts
- Ghanaian Prom!!: starts at 6pm, no one show up till at least 9pm, party doesn't get going till 9:30pm, no dancing till 10pm, leave at 11:30!!!
- the gesture for "come" is backwards
- Obroni tax: Vendors trying to rip you off cuz your white
- Trotro mates calling "AccraAccraAccraaaa" or "CircleCirclecirclecircaciracace" or "AdentaAdentaAdenta"
- Little kids making you join their jumping game called Ampe
- Fried Chicken and rice for lunch and dinner constantly on our touring week
- Canopy walk!!
Shop Names: Jesus is Awesome Fast Food; The Blood of Jesus Fashion; God is Great Chemicals; It Is Jesus______; God is Love Automotive Repairs; Blow Master Limited (air conditioning!)

Thanks alot for the great post
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This is awesome! I studied abroad in Ghana last year and I laughed at every single one of these. So true! I miss it more and more each day. Have you heard about what happened with Peace and Love? It shut down because of sexual abuse among the children. I'm going back next summer to film a documentary on orphanage reform. Anyway, I got a bit long winded.
You have written very true Information.Its quite worth to me to read your article.I have suggested some of my friends to see your article ...........great job
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thank"s for sharing .
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