Friday we played a soccer game with the girls at the school with the orange and yellow ball I brought. Somehow it never made it quite back to the orphanage though. We suspect one of the teachers stole it, but when we have no way to prove it. We had our last African dance lesson, i will try to remember it all so I can show everyone. (Now that I am back, I can only remember some of the moves)

I hid Ben's bluetooth controller Thursday morning and he found out it was gone that afternoon. He had all of his friends over and they couldn't play because it was gone! I denied any involvement and convinced him it must have been Patrick!!! Eventually, the next day I admitted stealing it though. I definitely got him back sufficiently for stealing my shoes, pretending Pinky was dead and chasing me around the yard with dog poop!
Saturday we did laundry by hand. I wish we had a washing machine!! and a dryer! Oh well, I will manage. We were supposed to go shopping but ran out of time. I was disappointed ! I also watched Auntie Tina and Diane and Fafa make 2 local stews. Then I made Gnocchi for them which took much longer than expected. Ben could barely finish his plate which is surprising because he says he usually eats so much! Although I have never really seen him eat a whole meal......Next time it will go better and more organized.
Sunday we were supposed to go to church, but ended up not. Ben and I went to an internet cafe. Afterwards we rode home and decided to meet Fafa at Auntie Kate's school because we decided we wanted to go swimming after all. We went to the Coco Beach Hotel and swam in their pool. I tried to teach Ben how to float but he didn't quite get it. He's almost there though. When we got back I fell asleep on the couch, I was so tired!
Today, Monday, we went to the other orphanage Christ Faith Foster Home in Frafraha. It is much bigger and cleaner and nicer, but the kids didn't interact with us as much. I didn't teach today so maybe that is why, but still. I did paint a whole shower though, which looked pretty good afterward. for some reason or other our lunch didn't arrive until 3, which is usually the time we leave. We were so hungry! Everyone bought Fanice and one of the ladies brought us some weird doritos and yummy juice. I think she overheard us fantasizing over American food! Oh well, it was an OK first day.
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