well, maybe not only in Ghana, but....close enough.
- Crazy Trotro Rides
- Fan Ice!! eating contest
- Drinking water out of plastic pouches
- Saying "What will you take" instead of "What do you want to eat"
- Akwaaba and speaking in Twi
- Extreme Friendliness: little children, old people, you name it
- Obroni!!!
- Sleeping without covers every night
- Water and power outages simultaneously
- Flipflops= slippers
- NO short shorts in public (or if your Ghanaian= "hot pants")
- Hand washing everything
- little geckos in your shower
- Every other shop named after God or Jesus EX. God is Great Fast Food; It is Jesus Hair Salon
- Peace and Love Orphanage and Acadamy
- Having to go to an internet cafe
- First homesickness ever
- Cold showers every day and occasionally bucket showers
- Second Chance TV Novella: Spanish soap opera, dubbed in English, played in ghana!! ahaha
- Hilariously dramatic Nigerian movies
- 1 DVD with 20 or more dance/cheer themed movies on it (or any other theme you can think of)
- No drinking water from the tap, obroni
- Malaria pills and mosquito repellent
- Having to bargain for almost EVERYTHING
- Never being on time, always late by at least an hour
- A whole new family
- Not being able to understand their accents
- Being called "fat" is a compliment
- Heavy food!!!
- Eating everything with sauce, meat at every meal. fufu, yam, potato, rice!!!
- Spicy!! Deep fried stuff, fish head, goat skin?? chicken gizzard........
- surprisingly not eating that much fruit at home......but delicious mangos, pineapple, you name it off the street
- Taxi and trotro people trying to get you into their car
- Never static hair, always sticky/damp/sweaty skin
- small dogs
- football!!! everywhere
- little beggar children from Niger at our trotro stop that we fed mangos and taught how to play thumb wars
- Colorful shops and clothes
- Getting stared at wherever you go
- Pouring down rain 1 minute and 5 minutes later not being able to tell it even rained
- Really bad roads
- trash everywhere, even the beach
- Mirinda soda and Maltas
- Feet that are never quite clean
- Trotro= Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland+ Knight Bus from Harry Potter
- Actually needing coin money more than big bills
- cheap clothes!! cheap lots of stuff
- Sadly not much cool wildlife (but only cuz i was in Accra, a huge city)
- No seat belts
- Ghanaian Prom!!: starts at 6pm, no one show up till at least 9pm, party doesn't get going till 9:30pm, no dancing till 10pm, leave at 11:30!!!
- the gesture for "come" is backwards
- Obroni tax: Vendors trying to rip you off cuz your white
- Trotro mates calling "AccraAccraAccraaaa" or "CircleCirclecirclecircaciracace" or "AdentaAdentaAdenta"
- Little kids making you join their jumping game called Ampe
- Fried Chicken and rice for lunch and dinner constantly on our touring week
- Canopy walk!!
Shop Names: Jesus is Awesome Fast Food; The Blood of Jesus Fashion; God is Great Chemicals; It Is Jesus______; God is Love Automotive Repairs; Blow Master Limited (air conditioning!)