Monday, February 8, 2010

1.5 ish years later?

Wow. I can't believe that I am halfway through my second quarter at UCSB. The last time I wrote on this blog I was applying for colleges, hoping that I would get into the ones I wanted. I never would have guessed that I would have ended up here at UCSB, but i am soooo glad that I did. I'm pretty sure that back in September '08 if I would have had to guess at which college I would go to I would have said Berkeley. Soooo glad I ended up here. Besides the scholarship that they are giving me, the atmosphere and people (and beach!) fit me so well. I love it here.

What does this even have to do with this blog though?

I guess that traveling to Ghana gave me a really good perspective on life, not to mention a good essay topic for college apps. I think we will always wonder what it was in our college applications that made up the reader's minds on whether or not to let us in.

I'm glad to say that I have kept in touch somewhat with my Ghanaian host family. I called for xmas this year, although that convo only lasted for about 5 minutes because of the crappy connection. I keep in touch with my siblings mostly over facebook. It's difficult though because of the time difference.

Also, my family is currently hosting an exchange student through AFS from Ecuador. My little sister really enjoys having him to keep her company now that I'm in college 6 hours away I think. I'm glad that he gets along with our family so well. (esp. seeing as I'm the one who pushed hosting him so much). I think they are all having a really good time.

Anyways, this is a really random post, not to mention extremeeelyy late compared to my last one, but I am taking a break from studying for midterms and was thinking about my blog....which has one follower.....despite me not having posted on it for like 2 Hahaha.